Our Blog

Why do I need a Geoclense® for my workplace?
What people don’t realize is that ALL workplaces are the most harmful energetic environments.  This is because there’s generally a higher amount of EMR fields from machines, computers, mobile phone towers, appliances and fluorescent lighting, etc. The other big energetic influence is Bioplasmic Radiation...
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How is EMR affecting our health and making us feel?
It is not disputed that exposure to noxious electromagnetic fields at any level can trigger biological effects and attribute a diffuse collection of symptoms.   ✓ Headaches and Fatigue✓ Having trouble concentrating and Foggy brain✓ Trouble sleeping and children suffering bad dreams✓...
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Do you have mould in the roof cavity?
Is it everywhere! The presence of mould in a house creates a harmful “positive charge” EMF field which some people are extremely sensitive to.  Mould equals radiation which is not a very commonly known fact.  Do you have low vaulted ceilings in the house...
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What types of EMF fields are we exposed to?
An Electromagnetic Field (EMF) is described as a combination of electric and magnetic forces surrounding us in our daily lives. These forces are moving charges mainly generated by the Earth’s natural phenomena and human activities.  Each day, we are exposed...
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EMF In The Workplace
As we begin to return to our workplaces after working from home, we thought it was an appropriate time to talk about EMF exposure in the workplace. Some positive feedback we’ve received from customers over the last month during COVID-19...
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